Saturday, March 7, 2009

Where to begin?!?!

Who are we? We are a family with allergies. My children are allergic to - wheat, corn, soy, diary, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (all but almond), sesame, and shellfish. In addition to this they must also maintain a gluten free diet - - so out go rye, barly, spelt, and others!

Why are I starting this blog? I am starting this blog to document recipes and foods that I feed to my kids. I want to serve them by building a library of recipes for them to use when they are older and also as a way to serve the many families that have similiar needs. My goal is to find recipes from around the world that are already allergy friendly or that need little modification.

We are on a tight budget so I will also share ways to watch the bottom line while still being able to enjoy lots of delicious foods.

I hope this blog will be a blessing.



  1. Teresa, this is so awesome! I love how you are documenting these recipes for your kids. This will be sooo helpful for them (and me...bring on the Vietnamese recipes)! Love the picture of you two- you're face is too cute.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Teresa,
    Thanks for creating this website. This is a widely growing issue and I increasing find friends and friends kids who have allergies like these. My food allergies don't fall along the traditional list, but the oddball nature of them makes me aware and sensitive to others who do. I am allergic to natures goods stuff: apples, pears, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, celery, tree nuts and peanuts. Although none have been life threatening, they do close up my throat and can potentially lead in that direction. I am also fructose intollerant and mildly lactose intollerant and oat intollerant. Thinking out of the box and reading labels is part of life with allergies.
    For those who don't have any real connection to this struggle, I think it can be a challange to understand the severity of it. Amy B. from the PC is a friend of mine and pointed me to your site. As our church continues to grow I think it is very important to have an advocate and voice in childrens ministry and in event planning to help those with food allergies attend and know who to address concerns and issues with. We don't necessarily have this designated (yet) but I am greatful that there is an awareness in our pastoral staff.

    I can appreciate Maria's comments above and yet coming from someone who loves "puppy Chow" I was thankful for the recipe. Also, having friends kids with similiar allergies as your kids, I know that "staying close to the garden" is a no-brainer, but trying to figure out how your kids can participate in the special occasions with others is the bigger challenge. Thank you for your efforts.

    Blessings to you and your family,
